Christmas Wrapping Kits

Christmas Wrapping Kits

This past Christmas my little shop Evie Pearl Handmade offered wrapping kits. These kits were absolutely darling but most importantly made wrapping easy. Each kit had 1 Pom Pom, 1 gift tag with velvet ribbon, a clip, a topper, and a yard of yarn! I loved putting these kits together and they were best sellers in my shop. I wanted to give you a little Inspo on how my wrapping kits were used.


These sweet gifts were gifts I wrapped. I used Target wrapping paper, Sugar Rush. I then got glued the words Ho Ho Ho on my gift. I clipped my peppermint hair clips on the O’s. The gift wrap kit was a huge help in making these presents look complete. I wrapped yarn around each package, attached the Pom Pom and topper. I then just clipped the gift tags on. Here are a few other friends who used my wrapping kits this Christmas season. Aren’t their gifts dreamy?

Kristen Sellentin 



Shannon Howell






Hope these gifts inspired you for the holidays!


Jenni S. 


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